Post-Award services provide fiscal support and compliance management necessary to meet the goals of an award. The Post-Award team works closely with Principal Investigators, Co-Investigators, program and administrative staff from the initial award through close-out.
Congratulations on your new award! The Research Foundation Post-Award team is here to assist Research Faculty and other authorized collaborators and staff in the successful administration of the award.
The Research Foundation is notified directly by the sponsoring agency that a proposal has been selected for funding. Award documents are made in the name of the Research Foundation typically identifying the Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators responsible for the technical aspects of the proposed research or sponsored activity.
Upon notification that an award is to be funded, a member of the Post-Award team is assigned the award and will directly contact the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators.
Some grant awards and funding agreements may require negotiation on specific terms and conditions pertaining to the funding. These matters are handled by the Post-Award team and require resolution before work may begin on an award.
(Video) PI Roles & Responsibilities in Managing Awards (Post-Merger)
RF Human Resources Toolkit for Investigators - A Procedural Guide for supervising, hiring, employee relations, compensation, employee classifications, recruiting, payroll, reporting, and record keeping related to Research Foundation employees hired on sponsored projects.
The ODU Research Foundation processes a variety of reimbursement requests. Different types of reimbursements require adherence to different policies and regulations. If you have any specific questions, please contact Carey Bellamy at
The ODU Research Foundation’s (the Foundation) policies and procedures require that any financial transaction initiated be done so with appropriate levels of authorization. Signature authority is the responsibility of the designated Principal Investigator on individual project accounts, cost centers, overhead accounts, and discretionary accounts. Co-Principal Investigators have automatic signature authority for projects on which they are so designated. The signature authorization may be delegated to staff or research assistants only upon expressed written approval of the Principal or Co-Principal Investigator.
The Signature Authorization Procedure and supporting forms can be found on the Policies & Guidelines page.
The ODU Research Foundation Travel Policy can be found on the Policies & Guidelines page.
Ledger V Procedure - Date: January 6, 2012, Revised March 22, 2018
This procedure outlines ODU Research Foundation (ODU RF) procedures for sponsored programs awarded to Old Dominion University (ODU) and established as accounts under the University’s Ledger V.
- Principal Investigators
- Co-Principal Investigators
- University Faculty
- University and Research Foundation staff responsible for sponsored programs administration
Grants and contracts that may be accepted in Ledger V will include those in which the agency requires, with accompanying documentation, that the university or other public entity be the awardee of record to accept and/or administer the award and other circumstances where ODURF is ineligible to receive the award by virtue of its corporate status. The vice president for research will make a determination whether or not the Ledger V account is subject to 2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), in general, including standards for allowability of costs, cost transfer, cost sharing, fixed asset, and effort reporting, in particular. If the Ledger V account is a sponsored program subject to Uniform Guidance, the vice president for research will also determine whether to assign it to ODURF to administer. No project activity for such account may start without a formal proposal signed off by either ODU Division of Research or ODURF or both.
Educational institutions that receive Federal grants and contracts (including Federal flow through projects) must comply with Uniform Guidance, which sets forth the governing rules for determining the various costs that can be charged to grants and contracts, and for establishing whether those costs may be charged directly, or charged through the application of the institution’s Facilities and Administration (F&A) rate. ODU and ODURF apply these same cost principles to non-federal funding as well in order to be consistent. In some instances, program-specific requirements may define costs differently than is generally the case for federal sponsors.
The cost principles include Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) with which both ODU and ODURF are required to comply. The standards are listed in 2 CFR Part 200, 200.419 and require educational institutions with annual federal sponsored programs expenditures of $50 million or more to submit a disclosure statement (DS-2) to their cognizant agencies. ODU and ODURF submitted their joint DS-2 to the Office of Naval Research as required. ONR determined adequacy of our disclosure per FAR 30.202-7(a) on March 31, 2007 and the most recent determination of adequacy was received on January 7, 2011.
CAS seeks to (a) make the best use of available funds to achieve outcomes; (b) avoid problems of fraud, waste, and abuse of sponsor support; (c) prevent the charging of unallowable costs to awards; (d) standardize university costing practices; and (e) standardize requirements for recipients of federal funds. Non-compliance may result in sanctions, including fines and penalties, exclusion or suspension from participating in federal programs, and or criminal charges. The mandated federal standards are:
- 48 CFR 9905.501: Consistency in Estimating, Accumulating and Reporting Costs
Principal Investigators and administrative support personnel must ensure compliance with this standard by maintaining consistency in the manner in which budgets are prepared during the proposal submission period, and how those funds are budgeted and expenses accounted for upon receipt and during the life of an award. - 48 CFR 9905.502: Consistency in Allocating Costs Incurred for the Same Purpose
The University must ensure compliance with this standard by ensuring that costs incurred for the same purposes, in like circumstances, must be given consistent treatment in the accounting system. - 48 CFR 9905.505: Accounting for Unallowable Costs
Principal Investigators and administrative support personnel must ensure compliance with this standard by insuring that those costs defined as “unallowable” are not directly charged to Federal projects, and when incurred in accordance with university policy, are charged to other funding sources and identified as “unallowable” so that those costs are excluded as well from the University’s F&A rate. - 48 CFR 9905.506: Cost Accounting Period
This standard requires that the University comply with a number of rules governing how costs are treated for the purpose of calculating and negotiating the University’s F&A and other institutional rates.
This procedure applies to all sponsored programs, Federal (including Federal flow through funding) and non-Federal, awarded to ODU with postaward management delegated to ODURF.
ODU Office of Finance
Within the ODU Office of Finance, organization codes are established to record accounting transactions for each grant by award year. Upon completion and approval of the “Request for Establishment of University Organization” form, the Project Directors and ODURF, if applicable, are notified of their respective budget number. A copy of the grant budget is submitted to the Budget Office for processing.
Principle Investigators (PI)/Budget Unit Directors are responsible for managing and monitoring each award function or activity supported by the award to ensure all applicable guidelines and regulations are met by reviewing financial data recorded in Banner and preparing reports timely. The PIs must work to ensure that they maintain high standards, achieve their stated goals and objectives, meet agreed upon deadlines, stay within budget, expend funds as required, comply with the granting entity’s terms and conditions, maintain appropriate records, meet financial and programmatic reporting requirements, and communicate results. The Grant Accountant is responsible for accounting, verifying that the expenditures/revenues relate to the specific objectives funded in the grant contract/agreement, provide guidance for budget changes and maintain effective control over and accountability for all funds, property and other assets.
After all needed forms are completed, the PI obtains all required signatures (PI, Dean, VP of Academic Affairs, VP for Research) and delivers the materials to the ODURF grant and contract administrator (GCA).
GCA reviews forms for completeness and assures that the RF project number is written in the upper right-hand corner of the Request for Establishment of University Organizational Code. The GCA then delivers the following Ledger V paperwork to the ODU Office of Finance:
- Request for Establishment of University Organization Code (Attachment B)
- Budget Adjustment Form (Attachment C)
- Project Setup Sheet;
- Award document;
- Fully-signed proposal transmittal form;
- Budget; and
- PI notification e-mail.
After the ODU Office of Finance receives the Ledger V paperwork, they assign an ODU Budget code number (five-character alpha/numeric code). This number is written on the ODURF project abstract and in the “Notes” section of the ODURF Project Setup sheet. The GCA then notifies the PI and the ODURF Accounts Receivable Technician of the ODU budget code.
Once the ODURF account is established, the project is administered by ODURF staff consistent with routine sponsored program practices and ODURF procedures, including travel guidelines and procurement processes, will apply. The GCA monitors expenditures and works with the PI on administrative matters, such as sponsor approvals or no cost time extensions.
Throughout the project and particularly at close-out, the GCA coordinates with the ODURF Accounts Receivable Technician to ensure that the ODURF’s final invoice is submitted to ODU early enough, at least two weeks in advance, to allow ODU to meet the sponsor’s final invoice due date.
- Consistency in Charging Administrative and Clerical Costs Associated with Research
- Cost Sharing on Federal Sponsored Agreements
- Cost Transfers on Sponsored Agreements
- Export Control Policy
- Identification and Treatment of Unallowable Costs
- Procurement Card Policy
- Procurement Card Settlement Procedure
- Purchasing Policy
- Qualifications to serve as Principal Investigator (see page 308)
- Research Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Frequently Used Forms
The Research Foundation collaborates closely with the Division of Research and Economic Development to ensure that research faculty and investigators comply with University policies on research compliance.
- Research Compliance (human subjects, animals, biohazards, etc.)
- IACUC FAQ for more information regarding the IACUC processes and Committees - FAQ Information
- IBC Process for cross-campus submissions post-merger - Process Document
- Please refer to the following IRB training for post-merger submissions - IRB Training Video
Consult the FAQs if you have questions or contact Post-Award.
- For general help - Call 757-683-7293
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Find and contact your Research Foundation Post-Award Support Team
Post-Award services provide fiscal support and compliance management necessary to meet the goals of an award. The Post-Award team works closely with Principal Investigators, Co-Investigators, program and administrative staff from the initial award through close-out.
Congratulations on your new award! The Research Foundation Post-Award team is here to assist Research Faculty and other authorized collaborators and staff in the successful administration of the award.
The Research Foundation is notified directly by the sponsoring agency that a proposal has been selected for funding. Award documents are made in the name of the Research Foundation typically identifying the Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators responsible for the technical aspects of the proposed research or sponsored activity.
Upon notification that an award is to be funded, a member of the Post-Award team is assigned the award and will directly contact the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators.
Some grant awards and funding agreements may require negotiation on specific terms and conditions pertaining to the funding. These matters are handled by the Post-Award team and require resolution before work may begin on an award.
(Video) PI Roles & Responsibilities in Managing Awards (Post-Merger)
RF Human Resources Toolkit for Investigators - A Procedural Guide for supervising, hiring, employee relations, compensation, employee classifications, recruiting, payroll, reporting, and record keeping related to Research Foundation employees hired on sponsored projects.
The ODU Research Foundation processes a variety of reimbursement requests. Different types of reimbursements require adherence to different policies and regulations. If you have any specific questions, please contact Carey Bellamy at
The ODU Research Foundation’s (the Foundation) policies and procedures require that any financial transaction initiated be done so with appropriate levels of authorization. Signature authority is the responsibility of the designated Principal Investigator on individual project accounts, cost centers, overhead accounts, and discretionary accounts. Co-Principal Investigators have automatic signature authority for projects on which they are so designated. The signature authorization may be delegated to staff or research assistants only upon expressed written approval of the Principal or Co-Principal Investigator.
The Signature Authorization Procedure and supporting forms can be found on the Policies & Guidelines page.
The ODU Research Foundation Travel Policy can be found on the Policies & Guidelines page.
Ledger V Procedure - Date: January 6, 2012, Revised March 22, 2018
This procedure outlines ODU Research Foundation (ODU RF) procedures for sponsored programs awarded to Old Dominion University (ODU) and established as accounts under the University’s Ledger V.
- Principal Investigators
- Co-Principal Investigators
- University Faculty
- University and Research Foundation staff responsible for sponsored programs administration
Grants and contracts that may be accepted in Ledger V will include those in which the agency requires, with accompanying documentation, that the university or other public entity be the awardee of record to accept and/or administer the award and other circumstances where ODURF is ineligible to receive the award by virtue of its corporate status. The vice president for research will make a determination whether or not the Ledger V account is subject to 2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), in general, including standards for allowability of costs, cost transfer, cost sharing, fixed asset, and effort reporting, in particular. If the Ledger V account is a sponsored program subject to Uniform Guidance, the vice president for research will also determine whether to assign it to ODURF to administer. No project activity for such account may start without a formal proposal signed off by either ODU Division of Research or ODURF or both.
Educational institutions that receive Federal grants and contracts (including Federal flow through projects) must comply with Uniform Guidance, which sets forth the governing rules for determining the various costs that can be charged to grants and contracts, and for establishing whether those costs may be charged directly, or charged through the application of the institution’s Facilities and Administration (F&A) rate. ODU and ODURF apply these same cost principles to non-federal funding as well in order to be consistent. In some instances, program-specific requirements may define costs differently than is generally the case for federal sponsors.
The cost principles include Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) with which both ODU and ODURF are required to comply. The standards are listed in 2 CFR Part 200, 200.419 and require educational institutions with annual federal sponsored programs expenditures of $50 million or more to submit a disclosure statement (DS-2) to their cognizant agencies. ODU and ODURF submitted their joint DS-2 to the Office of Naval Research as required. ONR determined adequacy of our disclosure per FAR 30.202-7(a) on March 31, 2007 and the most recent determination of adequacy was received on January 7, 2011.
CAS seeks to (a) make the best use of available funds to achieve outcomes; (b) avoid problems of fraud, waste, and abuse of sponsor support; (c) prevent the charging of unallowable costs to awards; (d) standardize university costing practices; and (e) standardize requirements for recipients of federal funds. Non-compliance may result in sanctions, including fines and penalties, exclusion or suspension from participating in federal programs, and or criminal charges. The mandated federal standards are:
- 48 CFR 9905.501: Consistency in Estimating, Accumulating and Reporting Costs
Principal Investigators and administrative support personnel must ensure compliance with this standard by maintaining consistency in the manner in which budgets are prepared during the proposal submission period, and how those funds are budgeted and expenses accounted for upon receipt and during the life of an award. - 48 CFR 9905.502: Consistency in Allocating Costs Incurred for the Same Purpose
The University must ensure compliance with this standard by ensuring that costs incurred for the same purposes, in like circumstances, must be given consistent treatment in the accounting system. - 48 CFR 9905.505: Accounting for Unallowable Costs
Principal Investigators and administrative support personnel must ensure compliance with this standard by insuring that those costs defined as “unallowable” are not directly charged to Federal projects, and when incurred in accordance with university policy, are charged to other funding sources and identified as “unallowable” so that those costs are excluded as well from the University’s F&A rate. - 48 CFR 9905.506: Cost Accounting Period
This standard requires that the University comply with a number of rules governing how costs are treated for the purpose of calculating and negotiating the University’s F&A and other institutional rates.
This procedure applies to all sponsored programs, Federal (including Federal flow through funding) and non-Federal, awarded to ODU with postaward management delegated to ODURF.
ODU Office of Finance
Within the ODU Office of Finance, organization codes are established to record accounting transactions for each grant by award year. Upon completion and approval of the “Request for Establishment of University Organization” form, the Project Directors and ODURF, if applicable, are notified of their respective budget number. A copy of the grant budget is submitted to the Budget Office for processing.
Principle Investigators (PI)/Budget Unit Directors are responsible for managing and monitoring each award function or activity supported by the award to ensure all applicable guidelines and regulations are met by reviewing financial data recorded in Banner and preparing reports timely. The PIs must work to ensure that they maintain high standards, achieve their stated goals and objectives, meet agreed upon deadlines, stay within budget, expend funds as required, comply with the granting entity’s terms and conditions, maintain appropriate records, meet financial and programmatic reporting requirements, and communicate results. The Grant Accountant is responsible for accounting, verifying that the expenditures/revenues relate to the specific objectives funded in the grant contract/agreement, provide guidance for budget changes and maintain effective control over and accountability for all funds, property and other assets.
After all needed forms are completed, the PI obtains all required signatures (PI, Dean, VP of Academic Affairs, VP for Research) and delivers the materials to the ODURF grant and contract administrator (GCA).
GCA reviews forms for completeness and assures that the RF project number is written in the upper right-hand corner of the Request for Establishment of University Organizational Code. The GCA then delivers the following Ledger V paperwork to the ODU Office of Finance:
- Request for Establishment of University Organization Code (Attachment B)
- Budget Adjustment Form (Attachment C)
- Project Setup Sheet;
- Award document;
- Fully-signed proposal transmittal form;
- Budget; and
- PI notification e-mail.
After the ODU Office of Finance receives the Ledger V paperwork, they assign an ODU Budget code number (five-character alpha/numeric code). This number is written on the ODURF project abstract and in the “Notes” section of the ODURF Project Setup sheet. The GCA then notifies the PI and the ODURF Accounts Receivable Technician of the ODU budget code.
Once the ODURF account is established, the project is administered by ODURF staff consistent with routine sponsored program practices and ODURF procedures, including travel guidelines and procurement processes, will apply. The GCA monitors expenditures and works with the PI on administrative matters, such as sponsor approvals or no cost time extensions.
Throughout the project and particularly at close-out, the GCA coordinates with the ODURF Accounts Receivable Technician to ensure that the ODURF’s final invoice is submitted to ODU early enough, at least two weeks in advance, to allow ODU to meet the sponsor’s final invoice due date.
- Consistency in Charging Administrative and Clerical Costs Associated with Research
- Cost Sharing on Federal Sponsored Agreements
- Cost Transfers on Sponsored Agreements
- Export Control Policy
- Identification and Treatment of Unallowable Costs
- Procurement Card Policy
- Procurement Card Settlement Procedure
- Purchasing Policy
- Qualifications to serve as Principal Investigator (see page 308)
- Research Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Frequently Used Forms
The Research Foundation collaborates closely with the Division of Research and Economic Development to ensure that research faculty and investigators comply with University policies on research compliance.
- Research Compliance (human subjects, animals, biohazards, etc.)
- IACUC FAQ for more information regarding the IACUC processes and Committees - FAQ Information
- IBC Process for cross-campus submissions post-merger - Process Document
- Please refer to the following IRB training for post-merger submissions - IRB Training Video
Consult the FAQs if you have questions or contact Post-Award.
- For general help - Call 757-683-7293
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Find and contact your Research Foundation Post-Award Support Team